Friday, May 20, 2011

The next chapter

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.  - Lao Tzo

With most things, we keep moving forward, always taking the next step wherever it may lead us. My steps have taken me many places and have introduced me to many more people who help in my journey. After a year and a half, those steps have brought me back into the dating world. It's been years - 10 years to be exact - since I last dated. So much has changed in that decade, yet many have not. It's still crazy awkward, though maybe that awkwardness is from the fact that in an alternate reality I would still be married to a man I loved. However, I am happy with the path that I am on.

I know I have mentioned to my friends before that no, I wouldn't date another service member. Been there, done that, would not like to visit that hell again. That, however, is difficult to do in a town surrounded by five military bases. It's truly hard to move on from a reality that you grew up in, married into, and still surround yourself in. So I find myself dipping into the dating pool and encountered a couple people. Three times is the charm is what they say.... so after the first two attempts at meeting people, I ended up getting together with the guy I am currently seeing.

Our relationship is going well.... I enjoy spending time with him and he makes me laugh. I see myself looking forward to seeing him when his time allows.  He knows I have my demons, and he knows I'm widowed.... but he does not know the circumstances and he hasn't pushed, for which I am thankful. Has he met the kids? No. That's not something I'm ready for, not something he has asked about, and I'm good with that. It's much more fun sneaking around like sex starved teenagers hiding from their parents. ;)